I’m Julie Kelley, a full-time middle school general music teacher and district technology trainer for the Wilmington Public schools. I love to share information about the technologies that I work with… especially Google Apps products. I’m just starting to move all my training materials and tutorials to one place, so keep checking back to see what’s included.
My school system is just starting out with Google Apps, at the moment, only teachers who have taken our trainings this year have their GAFE accounts but starting in the upcoming school year, everyone will have them and we’ll be in full swing. Most of the trainings you’ll see are pretty basic. I went to a conference this spring, and one of the presenters said that if 2 people ask her a question about something, she makes a tutorial and I have adopted the same philosophy! If there’s 2 asking, probably 20 others are wondering the same thing! So, this website will be a collection of all the short tutorials that I’ve created based on questions I’m asked.
You can visit my classroom website to see what I’m up to during the day!
(yes, I have a “thing” about owls 🙂 )